- F. Martínez-Plumed: "AI footprints", European Commission JRC Science Hub (HUMAINT project), Invited Talk, 2018.
J. Hernández-Orallo: "AI: Technology without Measure", Judge Business School, Invited Talk, Cambridge 2018.
J. Hernández-Orallo: "The Measure of AI", Cambridge Enterprise & Technology Club, Invited Talk, Cambridge, 17 may 2018.
J. Hernández-Orallo: "Diversity Unites Intelligence: Measuring Generality", Varieties of Minds Conference, Invited Talk, Cambridge, June 2018.
J. Hernández-Orallo: "Measuring A(G)I Right: Some Theoretical and Practical Considerations", DeepMind, Invited Talk, London, 29 June 2018.
J. Hernández-Orallo: "Natural and Artificial Intelligence: Measures, Maps and Taxonomies", Clare Hall, Invited Talk, Cambridge, 1 August 2018.
J. Hernández-Orallo: "Beyond Performance: Capability vs Generality", European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Invited Talk, Sevilla Spain, 15-16 October 2018.
C. Ferri: "Semi-Supervised Clustering Algorithms for Grouping Scientific Articles", University of Bergen, Invited Talk, 16 June 2018.
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